Mint Chevron

Sunday, July 10, 2011

Camp Harlow - 4 - Elementary Overnight Camp 1

Oh boy. That's all I have to say about this last week.
It is said that Elementary Overnight Camp is like Day Camp on crack. 
I now know how true that statement really is.

To have 1st graders - 5th graders at camp, staying overnight, is a challenge, especially for those who are counseling. There was an unlimited supply of homesickness and bed/pants wetting. Yet, it was a really good week. A lot of the time the kiddos were really great, even though there were some mishaps. Being a worship leader, it was really hard to stay energized singing the same simple songs all week. I really had to rely on God to work through me. All of the camp staff memorized John 15:1-5 during training, which has been running in my mind this week, especially the last verse. It says that apart from Christ we can do nothing, and that fact is something that I have really meditated on. So many times I am trying to just do things myself, but I can't achieve anything without God's help. 

Working out at Harlow has proved to be a hard balancing act. We are supposed to be pouring into these kids so that the seed of Christ may be planted in them. I am so busy trying to accomplish that that I almost forget my own relationship with God. It can be so easy to go through everyday without spending any time with Him. But i can't pour out what I don't have. If I don't spend time with God, I can't successfully pour into these kids. I have never felt so spiritually tired. It is something that I need prayer for, because spending time with God is what I need the most, but never seem to have time for.

I am excited for this week, but it is going to be a lot of the same regarding the campers. Basically the only difference is that there are going to be kindergarteners along with the elementary aged kids and they are not staying the night (thank the Lord). But Riley and I are going to be having to do the same songs as last week, so we are going to need a lot of God given energy to make it through. At least we have the nights to relax and have fun as the staff and take part in deep times of worship through song and fellowship. That will be the blessing that will help me get through the week. 

Thanks for all your prayers regarding my health. I have been feeling much better! :) 
God is good!

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