Mint Chevron

Wednesday, June 22, 2011

Camp Harlow - 2 - Junior Camp 1

Today marks day two of the wonderful Junior Camp 1. I can't express with words how exhausted, yet fulfilled I am. The kids here are fantastic, filled with all sorts of energy (I wish I had) and are very open to the lessons we have to teach them. It has been hard for Riley and I this week, because we are so used to leading worship for teens and adults that we are not versed in the ways of kid worship. We have been learning so much about how to lead kids in worship here at Harlow and the songs that they love to sing. 
I have learned that kids really like using hand motions, all the time. Almost all of the favorite songs here at Harlow have hand motions that compliment them. I never knew that some of the songs that I have sang in youth group (i.e. Life is Good, Eternal Life is Better) had crazy hand motions. But, the hand motions give the songs that much more umph for the kids. They have so much energy and they love to spend that energy by going crazy. 
It has been so much fun learning from the kids this week. They are an amazing bunch of campers. 
Yesterday, Riley and I learned how to belay kids up the rock wall. It is such a fun thing to do. At first, one of the boys that I was about ready to belay asked me if I was going to be able to hold him up there. I assured him that I would, and after explaining to him that I belayed Riley, he changed his expression and said, "Okay, I trust you!" It was very cute. Running the rock wall is already a favorite of mine, and it is only day two! 
The only down fall this week is me becoming sick. I woke up this morning with the worst sore throat and headache. I decided to sit out during worship this morning so that I could save my voice for tonight. But I am drinking lots of hot tea and using lots of Ricola, so hopefully I will be able to beat this sore throat. My problem is that, as an IMPACT team member, I get little sleep. We do cabin checks at night (which takes a while) and then we have IMPACT prayer which also tends to take a while. We are doing great to be in bed before midnight, if not later, and usually have to be up by seven, if not earlier. 
I took advantage of nap time yesterday, but I know that I won't always be able to do that. I am just praying that God gives me the stamina to not grow too weary. I want to be the best I can be for the campers. Prayer would be greatly appreciated! :) 
It is amazing to be able to hear so many life stories from the campers, as well as the counselors. I am learning so much and growing in my own relationship with Him through hearing all of the stories. It is such a blessing to be able to be in a place where there is so much support. I have to say that this summer is going to be one huge blessing. 
God is great. :)

Friday, June 17, 2011

Camp Harlow - 1 - Training

Well, I am in the middle of day four of Camp Harlow training week.
I moved into the "mod" on Monday, and I am enjoying the mod life very much!
Before I moved in and met everyone, I was afraid that I would have a hard time fitting in because most people have served here before and already knew each other. I am so relieved to say that everyone on the IMPACT team is great. All of them are very sweet and have really great hearts for the Lord.

The very first day that we all came together as a team we instantly bonded. We had grown into a big family in only one day. It is amazing how God can bring a group of people with all of their various differences and unify them. It's great. :)

Yesterday, Senior Counselors arrived, which was super fun. Each of us IMPACT team members are given a "Devo" group which consists of two Senior Counselors and about four Counselors. Our Devo group is the group of girls that we assist and mentor. Last night I met my Devo girls for the first time (minus the Counselors, because they arrived this morning) at a worship/foot washing session. It was our job as Devo leaders to wash the feet of our girls (or guys) to show that we are here to serve them, and pray with them. It was really powerful and awesome. It instantly brought me closer to my girls because I was humbling myself to show them that I am here for them and am working beside them. I am now excited to meet my Devo group today in its entirety now that the Counselors have arrived.

I have to say, I am beyond exhausted, but I have already been blessed just by meeting so many amazing people who are on fire for God.
I am so very excited for camp to start. I know that I am going to be crazy busy and tired, but to know that I am serving the Lord and kids will make it all worth while. :)

That's all for now. I am hoping to post an update every week to explain what's going on "Down on the Farm". :)

Saturday, June 11, 2011

Taking time to reminisce...

Today, many of my friends from my high school graduated.
I can't believe it is that time of year again! I woke up this morning realizing that a year ago, I was getting ready myself to take the walk across the big stage to receive my diploma.
It's crazy to think that it has been a year since then! It is amazing to me how fast time flies.

I decided to take a gander at the pictures from my graduation, and they brought back all of my emotions that I felt that day; all of the excitement, fear, joy, and sadness came flooding back to me.
I remember looking at everyone in my class realizing that I would never see some of them, if not many of them, again. I then began to be afraid of what was awaiting me after I graduated. Then again, I remember feeling so ready to begin the next chapter of my life.

Riley and I were asked to sing at graduation, and we chose to sing "The Prayer" made most popular by Celine Dion and Josh Groban. It was the perfect song to reflect what we were feeling. 
It felt incredible to sing that song in the huge theater with our violin/cello/bass/piano quartet.
It is just amazing to me to think that graduation was that long ago when it feels like a
couple months ago!

There are things that I miss about high school, but I have to say, college is much more enjoyable!
Looking back, I realize that there was nothing to be scared about (as usual). :)

Congratulations class of 2011, you made it!
"Oh! The Places You'll Go", by Dr. Seuss, is one of my favorite Seuss books, and
I think the words are perfect for graduation:
Today is your day.
You’re off to Great Places!
You’re off and away!
You have brains in your head.
You have feet in your shoes.
You can steer yourself any direction you choose.
You’re on your own. And you know what you know. 
And YOU are the guy who’ll decide where to go.

Thursday, June 9, 2011

Antiquing Adventure!

Today was a great day! 
It is a high of 74 degrees, perfect for a day of checking out the awesome antiques of my hometown. :)
I went with my bestie and shopping partner, Becca. We found some pretty amazing things at the four different malls we went to.
First off, I must confess that I am a lover of everything French and everything that dons an Eiffel Tower. My entire room is full of the well known tower...Literally. 

This bed frame was amazing! 
The material on it was full of French and even had "Paris" written on it. 
I will have to make one for me someday...

I wish I had a space for this desk (and the money to afford it. hee)! It is completely my style, and would fit ever so nicely in my room. It has my fleur de lis and Paris flair. :) Maybe someday, when I have a place of my own, I can do a DIY desk that's like it, since I know for sure this puppy will be long gone by then!

Becca and I have a tradition that we have to take pictures of us wearing sometimes goofy vintage hats or tiaras. We have lots of fun playing dress up. :) The large crowns below made us feel a little bit like Glinda from the Wizard of Oz...

It was such a relaxing day! The weather was gorgeous which made for a perfect day with my best friend. It was a much needed stress reliever. :)

Love you Becca! :)

Well Hi There!

 This is my first blog ever, and I am determined to have lots of fun with it. :)

To go off of what my "me" section says about me, I will add that I am a sophomore Vocal Performance major at Corban University. Being able to study music in school, and hopefully being able to have a job in vocal performance, be it through teaching or actual performance, is such a tremendous blessing. 

I am currently employed at Camp Harlow in Eugene, OR for the summer. I start working officially on Tuesday, but I am moving in there on Sunday. My job at Camp Harlow is one of the best, in my own opinion. I am a co worship leader with my boyfriend, Riley Forrest. It will be glorious to be able to work side by side with my guy this summer! It is going to be gloriously life changing to worship God with the campers. I am so looking forward to hopefully leading campers to Christ. Along with my worship leader responsibilities, I am an adviser to a certain amount of senior counselors. It will be an interesting, challenging, and fun experience. I am nervous because it will be my first time working there, but I have faith that God will really work through me and give me strength and wisdom to succeed. I officially start on Tuesday, but I am moving out to the camp on Sunday. Us team members are staying in what they call "mods". It is basically a mobile home style place with one large room that sleeps 12 and a large bathroom. It will be quite interesting to see how it will be rooming with eleven other girls, especially with only one bathroom! I am more than excited to start working there. :) I hope and pray that God will work through Riley and I, as well as the rest of the team, so that we may win as many kids for Christ as we possibly can. I have faith that we will succeed greatly.