Mint Chevron

Friday, June 17, 2011

Camp Harlow - 1 - Training

Well, I am in the middle of day four of Camp Harlow training week.
I moved into the "mod" on Monday, and I am enjoying the mod life very much!
Before I moved in and met everyone, I was afraid that I would have a hard time fitting in because most people have served here before and already knew each other. I am so relieved to say that everyone on the IMPACT team is great. All of them are very sweet and have really great hearts for the Lord.

The very first day that we all came together as a team we instantly bonded. We had grown into a big family in only one day. It is amazing how God can bring a group of people with all of their various differences and unify them. It's great. :)

Yesterday, Senior Counselors arrived, which was super fun. Each of us IMPACT team members are given a "Devo" group which consists of two Senior Counselors and about four Counselors. Our Devo group is the group of girls that we assist and mentor. Last night I met my Devo girls for the first time (minus the Counselors, because they arrived this morning) at a worship/foot washing session. It was our job as Devo leaders to wash the feet of our girls (or guys) to show that we are here to serve them, and pray with them. It was really powerful and awesome. It instantly brought me closer to my girls because I was humbling myself to show them that I am here for them and am working beside them. I am now excited to meet my Devo group today in its entirety now that the Counselors have arrived.

I have to say, I am beyond exhausted, but I have already been blessed just by meeting so many amazing people who are on fire for God.
I am so very excited for camp to start. I know that I am going to be crazy busy and tired, but to know that I am serving the Lord and kids will make it all worth while. :)

That's all for now. I am hoping to post an update every week to explain what's going on "Down on the Farm". :)


  1. Miss you bestie! it's good to hear how good God is! praying for you <3

  2. Thanks my dear. I miss you too! Maybe one weekend we can check out the Coburg antique stores, because they have some cool ones. :)

    I love you!!!!!!
