Mint Chevron

Wednesday, June 22, 2011

Camp Harlow - 2 - Junior Camp 1

Today marks day two of the wonderful Junior Camp 1. I can't express with words how exhausted, yet fulfilled I am. The kids here are fantastic, filled with all sorts of energy (I wish I had) and are very open to the lessons we have to teach them. It has been hard for Riley and I this week, because we are so used to leading worship for teens and adults that we are not versed in the ways of kid worship. We have been learning so much about how to lead kids in worship here at Harlow and the songs that they love to sing. 
I have learned that kids really like using hand motions, all the time. Almost all of the favorite songs here at Harlow have hand motions that compliment them. I never knew that some of the songs that I have sang in youth group (i.e. Life is Good, Eternal Life is Better) had crazy hand motions. But, the hand motions give the songs that much more umph for the kids. They have so much energy and they love to spend that energy by going crazy. 
It has been so much fun learning from the kids this week. They are an amazing bunch of campers. 
Yesterday, Riley and I learned how to belay kids up the rock wall. It is such a fun thing to do. At first, one of the boys that I was about ready to belay asked me if I was going to be able to hold him up there. I assured him that I would, and after explaining to him that I belayed Riley, he changed his expression and said, "Okay, I trust you!" It was very cute. Running the rock wall is already a favorite of mine, and it is only day two! 
The only down fall this week is me becoming sick. I woke up this morning with the worst sore throat and headache. I decided to sit out during worship this morning so that I could save my voice for tonight. But I am drinking lots of hot tea and using lots of Ricola, so hopefully I will be able to beat this sore throat. My problem is that, as an IMPACT team member, I get little sleep. We do cabin checks at night (which takes a while) and then we have IMPACT prayer which also tends to take a while. We are doing great to be in bed before midnight, if not later, and usually have to be up by seven, if not earlier. 
I took advantage of nap time yesterday, but I know that I won't always be able to do that. I am just praying that God gives me the stamina to not grow too weary. I want to be the best I can be for the campers. Prayer would be greatly appreciated! :) 
It is amazing to be able to hear so many life stories from the campers, as well as the counselors. I am learning so much and growing in my own relationship with Him through hearing all of the stories. It is such a blessing to be able to be in a place where there is so much support. I have to say that this summer is going to be one huge blessing. 
God is great. :)

1 comment:

  1. I'm praying for you Nikki girl! So is Bagel Buddies:) If you ever get a chance, you should put up pictures! :) I got work off Saturday so we'll be able to hang out. I cant wait to see you and hear more about your week! loves
